New Street in Čakovice park | Čakovický park

New Street in Čakovický park

Čakovický park is taking hold and its inhabitants already know their exact address.

New Street in Čakovický park

The number of residents of Lily of the valley, Rose and Violet are growing, the same as new people interested in Lily and Wild thyme.

All of our clients will be pleased that the main street passing through Čakovický park has its name. The street is called BERMANOVA, after the notable Czech opera singer, and composer  the librettist Karl Berman

For those of you who still haven’t decided, come and see how nice living for you on  Berman Street in&násp;Čakovický park will be 

Read more about  Karl Berman .

Vloženo: 30. January 2013


Čakovice park


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